Smile and Wave

Smile and Wave
Starting a Happiness Movement one Smile at a Time!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Because all my friends are so great it makes it hard to feel sorry for myself lol thank you all

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I was going to wait until my trip was over to share this story, but with all that has transpired I changed my mind. I had a Millionaire Summit to attend in Phoenix tomorrow and no way to get there, if you remember I was raising $1,500 to open a 501c3, well a part of that $1,500 was to be able to get to Phoenix to be trained by an International Marketer, so that I would know how to best use and raise funds with for the 501c3. Well I did raise the money for the 501c3, but not enough for the trip. I only had one day left, but I knew that somehow, someway, I would find my way to Phoenix!! How did I do? Well I’m writing this from the airport as I’m waiting for my flight!

Yesterday after our Morning Dream Team Radio Show I got a phone call and that call changed everything. I just joined a club where I could trade my services for other services, they give me $2,500 in trade dollars to get me started and man did it pay off!! 3 days after joining I got my first client from my ad, then I found someone that was trading a $700 voucher for Delta Airlines!!! So I traded for it booked my flight and forgot about it. On my way to the airport I realized I forgot my phone charger. Great, now I have to go buy one right? Wrong I went to a T-Mobile store and explained to them what had happen and I was out 15 minutes later with one of their used chargers, at no cost!!

So I get to the airport to get my ticket and they tell me that the ticket was put in the name of the person that had owned the voucher and I couldn’t fly because it wasn’t in my name, SHIT!!! I had to work fast to catch my flight. They told me I had to go home cancel the flight, contact the person whose name was on the voucher and start again tomorrow, after the credit went through. Well that wouldn’t work! So I kept talking and asking questions in different ways to see how I could get it done, while I was at the airport and not have to contact the owner of the Voucher. Half an hour later I was going through the TSA check point and there I picked up a new coaching client!! It’s one of the TSA officers! The next part of the adventure is that I never got a room and I am going there without a place to stay, stay tuned for the next chapter, Eddy gets a room……..

Friday, November 12, 2010

%days and $1,000 to go to turn Smile and Wave into a 501c3, check out the website!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

May your days be filled with laughter, your pockets filled with gold, your nights filled with love and may the smile always be on your lips!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Over the last few months we have been working on building the foundation of a brand new devision of Smile and Wave and soon we will be rolling out the Happiness Life Style, because Smile and Wave isn't just a Smile it's a Happiness Life Style!!!
Smile and Wave

Thursday, October 28, 2010

This is the Video from our Free Hugs Miami, if you like it please share it, tweet it and comment on it!!! Enjoy.
I've been having a hard day to day and one of my close friends sent me this and to her I say thank you for reminding me about life!!!
Trouble Tree

Author Unknown

I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had just finished a rough first day on the job, a flat tire made him lose an hour of work & his electric drill quit, his ancient one ton truck refused to start. As I drove him home, he sat in stony silence.

On arriving he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. Upon opening the door he had undergone an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.

Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do at the little tree.

"Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied. "I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them. Then in the morning I pick them up again."

"Funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I wanted to get this out be fore I went to the gym, It's yesterdays networking event, enjoy!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

They say to reach your dreams you must put one foot in front of the other, climb the mountain and not lose sight of your dreams. Believe in yourself, know that you have the power within and those steps, that mountain and your dreams become a reality!!!
Smile and Wave!

Monday, October 18, 2010

They say that laughing is healing, well if you want to heal then watch this video!!!
Smile and Wave!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Man do I feel like my life is blessed!!! I had the honor of being interviewed by JB Glossinger for Profiles in Success, listen to the interview here

Thursday, October 14, 2010

We invite you all to share your smiles with us on the Smile and Wave America page!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This is too funny it's a must watch with a message!!
Waking up in the morning, is a successful start for any day, feeling the sunshine on my face, warms me to my heart and the smiles that are created makes the world an inviting place to live!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

If you want to smile watch this video, if you like it share it as we want to help the world to smile!!
Smile and Wave America is looking for a webmaster to help create a content rich, mind blowing, out of this world, different, teaching, healing website that will benefit the people of this United States and beyond!!! Please contact me at
Smile and Wave!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

‎10-10-10 can't get any more balanced than that, but are you really looking for balance, or to blow the lid off your box, jump out and really enjoy your life!!! I'm blowing the doors wide open and rocking my life and rocking my business and life!!!! Are ya wit me???

Sunday, July 25, 2010

From my heart:
Today my family and I went to visit my daughters grave. I was going to bring an Amethyst with me., but when I looked I saw I only had 4 left pieces left. I had gotten these Amethysts when she was in the hospital; I was going to sell them to raise money for her to pay some bills when she got out but when she passed away my family and I placed some at her grave site to be with her forever. The Amethyst for me represent a piece of her and I wasn't ready to give up another piece of her right now, so I when to her grave site with a heavy heart and an empty hand. The stones we had placed there before have been long gone, at least we had not seen them in 3 years. As we sat there, we began to clean off her headstone and as I move some grass over I found the amethyst I had placed there 4 years before, I couldn't believe my eyes!
My daughter taught me another lesson, she gave me what I needed, a little piece of her. Her message to me was; Don't worry I am always with you and when you feel like you don't want to give up a piece of me, you won’t because I'll replace it. She placed that stone there for me to see. I was thinking in lack and she showed me that she would always be there. It was her way of saying dad I love you and I'm happy with what you are doing, just stop thinking in lack, there is plenty to go around. There is always enough even if you don't see it, so live your life it abundance the rest of your days.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I have things in my passed that I don't put behind me, I use them as motivation to keep myself focused on what I want in my life. If you take them and turn them into something positive they are no longer a burden, they are now a vehicle, used to bring Happiness into your life. Use your passed to enhance your life, don’t see the mistakes, see the gifts, just don’t forget to open your gifts or they will go to waste!
Heal you heart. I'm sharing my own story in hopes of helping those who need it.

How to heal your heart Part 2

Ok, well, here it goes! I’m both excited and scared about what I’m doing. I’m excited because I know that I will be helping people and I’m scared because I’ve never done this before. Yes I’ve shared my story but not with everyone and not on the internet. I’m going to put this out there with all my mistakes and maybe miss spelled words, but it’s coming from my heart, so please bare with me.
I’m going to bring you back a little over 4 years. I had a company that was doing pretty well. I was in the construction field for over 25 years and had a crew of 9 men. My dream was to begin a career in speaking, but I could never speak in public. I had a problem, I was too scared to get in the front of the room and if you want to speak, it hard to get people to listen when your behind them. Funny how that works, huh? Well I had a few things I needed to take care of, before I could get my new career going. Who was going to take care of my business? And the last time I tried to speak, I froze so badly that they had to throw a rope around me and drag me off stage!
But I was not to be denied! When you have a dream you have to take action!! The first order of business was to bring in that trusty person that I could hand over the business to and know it would be in safe hands. Yes, I know, I know, but I did it anyway. I brought in someone that was very close to me, I trusted them with my life, “but this was my business”, oh well, I should have known better. I gave them 50% of the business, thinking that because this is half theirs, they would take care of it. Now this is isn’t their entire fault, after all I didn’t feel the need to look over their shoulder, so I do take responsibility for not being more involved. I’m not going to get into the details of everything that happened (this is not a book…). Hey thanks for the idea, a book  I like it!
Before I get into what happened with the business, I need to cover what happen with the public speaking, you will enjoy how I broke my fear! I will share that tomorrow. This blog will be a 2 part blog and what I mean by that is I will be telling about the business side and then about the everyday life side. It will be a running story, my intent is to write everyday and share my story of how one man has been through the gates of hell only to return a better man for it. I hope this will help out many of the people that are struggling right now. Remember to keep the smile on your face no matter what and if you don’t, don’t worry, just remind yourself to remember to smile and make it a habit.

Smile and Wave, Eddy

Monday, July 19, 2010

Please read my blog.

Dealing with real life.

Well its 68 days to event time and still no main sponsor. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and one of the things I’ve found is that I was losing sight of why I’m holding this event. The intention of this event is to bring people together, to help to connect people at a time when people are lost because of all that is going on in the world. You see one of the things that they may see is that they have lost something, they may believe that it’s their job, or it’s their house maybe even their wife or husband. Well yea, maybe they lost those things, but what I really believe is that along with those things they have lost themselves. They may no longer know who they are. They think that maybe they are this person that is out of work and has nothing to contribute. Or maybe they think that they are no longer the person they used to be because they will never be able to recover from all that was taken from them, so they will never get back to normal and that there is no hope.

Well I have to tell you that it’s true. They may not get back what they lost, but maybe they can get something better. They may not be the person that they once were, but they can be better. They may not love the way they once did, but their love can be stronger. How can I say this? Well it’s because I’ve been through it and I am still going through it. I have heard people say don’t ever tell everyone what you are going through because they will judge you and you will never make it as a speaker. Well you know what, I am going to commit speaker suicide! I am going to tell everybody what I’m going through right now, because I believe it will help people to see that you can lose everything and still be happy! That it can look like nothing is going right and you can still get things done! What you need to do is believe, believe in yourself, believe in what’s around you, and believe in what you are doing! My name is Edward Rodriguez and I am going to share my story now when it’s needed, not later when it all over with. In 68 days my dreams of the last 5 years to help people and my dreams for the last 2 years of holding the event Happiness in the Park will come true and I am going to share this story with who ever will read it.

Tomorrow I will start the story of how I came to lose all that I lost, where I am now, how I have been able to cope with it, stay focused on creating happiness and healing my heart. If you know of people that are going through bad times please pass this along to them so that we can grow together!
Smile and Wave, Eddy
Healing your heart, no matter what your loss. The healing process starts and ends with you. How you view what has happened and how you deal with it. I will be sharing my story and how I deal with everyday life, so that I can give hope to those who are struggling right now. This will be a 68 day story leading up to the event Happiness in the Park.
Want to Smile? Check out this site.
Life is like a rollercoaster? You can scream in terror through its up’s and downs or you can throw your arms in the air and scream, because it so thrilling and great to be aboard! Which do you choose? Edward Rodriguez
Smile and Wave

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Heading out to Zo's Summer Grove Basketball Game where I hope to meet some of the players and in vite them to Happiness in the Park! Wish me luck.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

July is a rough for me in 9 days it will 4 years since my daughter passed I needed a lift so I went to US1 and Kendall Dr 2 busy roads I held a sign that said “Hi” and I Smiled and Waved at traffic giving helps to heal my heart Love you all

Friday, July 16, 2010

"Life is not easy for any of us, but what of that? We must have perseverance and
above all confidence in ourselves." - Marie Curie
Smile and Wave

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Life is a series of problem-solving opportunities. The problems you face will
either defeat you or develop you depending on how you respond to them." - Rick

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"If you don't set goals, you can't regret not reaching them." - Yogi Berra
Do you have goals? Are they clear? Create a road map for your life now. Smile and Wave can help you to define and set goals you can achive. Eddy 786- 447- 9669

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hi Everybody,
It’s 74 days until Happiness in the Park and I said I would start blogging about it. Yesterday I was up early working on getting some sponsors and I had to start work at 11PM, I got so busy I forgot to get some sleep before I went to work. Well I finally went to seep at 7AM this morning and at 10 AM I get a call, they wanted me to come in so they could go over what had to be done tonight, but I didn’t want to go to sleep again without starting this blo ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, what? Oh, huh? Sorry where was I………….ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today’s lesson in happiness.
Happiness comes from the inside. Many people chase the latest and the greatest things to come around and that’s a good way to stay on top of the world around you. But sometimes the latest and the greatest can knock you off course. For example let’s say you are feeling really frustrated and you want to take control of your life, so you hear of a new CD set that will “Change your life forever”, It states that all you have to do is listen for the next 30 days and you will be free of all that frustration. Wow, sounds great! So you run out and buy it and 30 days later…. You’re even more frustrated because you spent $79 on this stupid CD set that didn’t work.
Sometimes the best plan of attack is to keep things simple. I know what you’re saying, how can it get any simpler than listening to a CD set? It doesn’t, but what the CD set doesn’t have is a plan of action and when I say simple, I mean just take back control of your life. Don’t make it a hard long dragged out process, simply go back to the basics and start over. WHAT START OVER, NOOOOO! Don’t worry when you start back at the beginning, things will fall into place really fast, your growth has memory! So just look and feel to see what’s going on inside of yourself and you will discover the cause of your set back and you can deal with it from the inside out, not the outside in. Never go outside of yourself to find the root of a problem, always look inside and find the solution, it’s there if you just go back to the basics, make a plan and take action to resolve whatever it is that’s got you stuck.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today’s lesson in happiness.
Become the observer. In order to understand the changes we want to make in our lives, we first have to understand the things we would like to change about ourselves. Begin by paying attention to your behavior. What do you do that blocks your happiness? For many years, I use to say the words: That wasn’t very good, now was it?” Yea, this was real empowering. When I discovered this one small part of my behavior, it was like a ton of bricks were taken off of my back and I got really excited! I started searching for other bricks that I could remove from my path, so I could get that dump truck off my back (Yes, I have a lot of bricks, HA, HA).
As it turns out the simple act of observing, has become one of my most powerful tools for creating happiness. When I’m observing my thoughts and behavior, I do it from a third party perspective. I get my heart to throw a party and I invite my brain so I can watch it like a hawk! You know how the brain is, if you don’t watch it, you never know what it will do. It picks up bad habits, tells you that you’re not good enough, finds ways to block your progress, and it finds all kinds of things to make you feel like $#@&%&#. You get the idea. If left alone the brain can be your biggest road block. Becoming the observer allows you to keep the brain in check, to take control of your own mind. I know, I know, at first I was nervous too, thank goodness that now, I just weird (LOL).
Observe your body movements also, stay relaxed and calm through your movements. As I scan my body there are a few things that I look for. How do my shoulders feel? Are they tight and high up on my neck or are they relaxed and below my neck? What are my hands doing? Are they always moving, trying to find something to do, like shaking a pencil or fumbling with something. Or maybe my hands are tight, their balled up in a fist or maybe they’re stiff. What about my feet? When I’m sitting are they always moving, like I’m running a one legged race? Do I curl my toes? Am I relaxed when I walk or am walking like I have a strait jacket on? Ok, when you get that picture of me in a strait jacket out of your mind and stop laughing at me, I have one more point.
You are in control of your own life, how do you want to live it? Do you want more happiness, joy, love, compassion, excitement, adventure, romance? Then observe your behavior and begin to make the changes you desire and you will begin to create the life you want to live and one of the side effects is more happiness! Now that my friends is a side effect I can live with.
Until the next time, smile long, laugh hard and be joyful!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What do you do when your in pain?

Yesterday I went to Va. because I was in so much pain. While I was at Va. I met a man that was getting ready to have brain surgery, I gave him one of my Smile and a Wave Day wrist bands and told him that when he needed a lift, to play with the wristband and to see the word smile and it would remind him that life is good and to smile. When I got home I got on facebook and asked for emergency laughter to help me deal with my pain! It’s funny how the universe hears what you ask for. I had some friends send me laughter and then today I receive this e-mail.
Evening Eddy Tom was very glad to meet you at the hospital and enjoyed the bracelet tremendously, he wanted me to inform you that he would be in the hospital April 14 for surgery and would very much enjoy your company. Sincerely yours Shawn (Toms care giver)
Life is very rewarding when you ask for what you need! I needed some happiness, I asked for it and look at how I was rewarded. When you need something in your life ask for it and help someone who needs the same thing, then allow what you asked for, to find its way to you.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Helping someone to believe!

Yesterday I went to downtown Miami to see if I could help make a difference in the lives of people that were there to go to court. None of us like to go to court, unless we’re on the winning side of course, LOL. Needless to say I saw a lot of sad faces. I set up a stand and on that stand was a sign that said; “Ask Me Why”. Many people passed me by a puzzled look on their face, others pretended I wasn’t even there. But there were some that asked said; “OK, Why”

That’s all I was waiting for! To the people that stopped I said; “Because I get to meet amazing people like you that will take the time to ask a stranger, a simple question like why. Now I have the opportunity talk with you and share a few moments with someone I have never met and most important we get to share a smile!” Most stayed and talked, but there is one that I really would like to tell you about. He was in a hurry and didn’t stay very long. And as he rushed off he thanked me for helping him to smile and to be happy for just a moment.

About 5 minutes later he rides up on his bicycle a big smile on his face, he’s really excited, full of energy and he’s talking so fast I almost couldn’t understand him. This is what he said; I can’t believe it right after I talked to you, I was thinking that maybe I should see more of what’s good in life, not what’s wrong. Then my phone rang and it was my old boss! I got my Job back! Man was he happy! This is the power of the smile, this is the power of searching for the good in life. Thank you all for joining with me to bring the power of the smile to the world! I am very excited to be a part of this Happiness Movement and will do everything in my power share the power of the smile with the world. Please visit the Happiness Community on my website: hppt://

Monday, March 22, 2010

Out of Gas!

So I ran out of gas (yes dumb move) at a CVS. I have no idea how I’m going to get to the gas station. My wife was at home feeling sick, so she had her phone turned off. I started asking people for a ride to the gas station. Yea, right I’m in Miami! Two young girls in a Honda drive by and I wave my arms like a mad man, they stop and roll down the window. So I ask them if they can give me a ride, the driver tells me that she has her son in the back and that she’s sorry that she can’t help me. I thanked her and said maybe I’ll walk home, my wife is there and she’s not feeling well, so she’s not answering the phone. The driver asks me if I live close by and I told her that I live about 10 blocks away. To my surprise she offers to go to my house and tell my wife that I ran out of gas! Both girls looked nice and I felt I could trust them, so I gave them my phone number, so they could call me when they got close to the house and I could guild them in. They found the house, knocked on the door and told my wife what happened. I talked to my wife and she thanked them and came and got me. There are still a lot of nice people out there that are willing to help! The driver found a way to help me and keep her son safe. They asked me not to share their names, but I would like to thank them for being so kind!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The UCW Radio Show Features The Happiness Coach Eddy Rodriguez

The UCW Radio Show Features The Happiness Coach Eddy Rodriguez

This is my radio interview on UCW Radio with host Louis Velazquez! To the right of my article look up the name Eddy Rodriguez then click and play the interview. If you click anywhere else you will get another interview.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A time to heal. Can you Digg it.

Almost a year ago I found myself at a crossroad, although I seemed completely healed I knew that I needed some time.

Time to heal my heart from my daughter's death and time to heal my brain from my cerebral hemorrhage. When my daughter died I felt numb and to feel something I threw myself into my work thinking that it would get better if I kept myself busy and pretended to be ok. Well I was wrong. Then when I had my hemorrhage the doctors told my wife to call the family because I was going to die that night.

You know its funny how sometimes words that are so negative can turn out so positive. Those words are what gave me the strength to fight. How the hell could I die after what just happened with my daughter? What would happen to my family? I was not about to put my family through 2 deaths in a span of 4 months. My daughter was always on my mind but my focus now had to be healing myself so that I wouldn't cause my family any more pain than they already had. I could barely walk and my speech was just as bad, but somehow I had to appear strong and normal for my family.

It was a 2 and a half year struggle to act as if my brain was thinking properly, when in fact, it was a tangled mess. I pulled it off really well, everybody thought I was just fine, but the reality was that I had to fight for every thought. I finally reached a point where I couldn't hold it together any more. I would find myself crying when I would talk about my daughter and this is when I knew I had to pull back and heal. I had already been working on Smile and a Wave Day for a little while, but I knew that it could be bigger than just me running around getting people to sign a petition to get it put on the calendar.

So I pulled back to fix a broken me. To give myself the time I never took to heal my heart. As I held the intention to heal, I also held the intention to revamp myself into someone that would really make a difference in the world. I was tired of being the guy that had great intentions, but, didn't know what to do with them. Pulling back was the best thing I could have ever done. My heart still aches for my daughter but I am better able to channel it into something positive and as far as my intention to revamp myself into someone who will make a difference in the world I will let my website do the talking for me. Sometimes when you're in the middle of a battle you just need to pull back and heal in order to win, because if you don't and just continue the fight you get tired and give up. My motto is never give up, never surrender

Here is my new website address, please visit it; I would love to know what your feed back is, so be sure to let me know!

Download your free Happiness Contract when you visit the website!

Have an idea.
E-mail it to us and if we use it we will be sure to include you in our features story.

If you like what you read here, please forward it to those you care about.
Together we can change our world.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fire Fighters

Today I was in Bonita Springs visiting my accountant. Him and his wife are like my 2nd mom and dad. On my way back home, I saw a Fire Station, so I stopped in. I like to talk to the Fire Fighters and thank them for the job they do for us and let them know just how important they are to the community. I was really taken back by the response I got. They were so appreciative of me going there and thanking them that they almost glowed. Their smiles were from ear to ear. Funny, it was people like them that saved my life when I had my Cerebral Hemorrhage, I was thanking them, but they made me feel like I was doing them a great favor.

It's people like them that show you just how great life can be! They run to danger when everybody else is running away from it. They go to car and motorcycle accidents to stabilize the injured and rush them to the hospital. They take your blood pressure anytime you show up at the station, and they do many other things that we aren't even aware of. I can tell you one thing, if you are hurt, and there is a fire fighter or paramedic near by, on or off duty, they will do everything possible to help you or anybody else.

When you see a fire fighter or paramedic on the street, thank them for what they do, you never know one day it may be you or somebody you know that they are saving. They are a very humble group of people that set the standards that we should live our lives by. If you know a fire fighter or a paramedic, please send them this e-mail so that they know that there are people out there that care and appreciate them. And if you are a fire fighter or a paramedic, I would like to thank you for being a part of a group that helped to save my life, you are true "American Hero's."

For information on
Smile and a Wave America:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How imporant is the Smile?

Just how important is the smile for you? Is it just something you do out of habit, does it mean anything to you? I'm here to tell you that the smile has saved my life! I know that's a bold statement, but after you learn more about me and what I am doing, you just might think I'm crazier than you first thought. See I'm one of those people that you hear about and you wonder is this guy for real? Yes I am! I will do all kinds of off the wall things just to get a smile. I tell bad jokes and laugh at them, I will sing in an elevator ( people can't wait to get off), I walk up to people in the streets and start conversations, I Smile and Wave at cars going by, and take trips to Coconut Grove in Miami Fl. in a Rabbit suit. What? Huh? Whoa. No, you don't need glasses I did write that I go to the Grove in a BIG WHITE Rabbit Suit and help people to Smile.

Now why in the world would I do this? The fact of the matter is that it helps people. As I walk around the Grove I meet all kinds of people, each with their own personality and we get to have some fun together. We laugh, we play we joke and we talk about the lighter side of life. Some people just stare and wonder what this nut is doing (I sometimes wounder myself) but you know I really enjoy it. I'll be getting into the whole story about how it started and what it has done for me and others as I continue this blog. The message I would like to get out to you right now is that the Smile is very, very, very important. This is a time that so many people are finding it harder and harder to find something to Smile about and I want to do something about it! Will you join me in my quest to help America to Smile? Check out my website: http://www,
If you like what you see tell your friends about it and lets get America Smiling!
Smile and a Wave, Eddy