Well its 68 days to event time and still no main sponsor. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and one of the things I’ve found is that I was losing sight of why I’m holding this event. The intention of this event is to bring people together, to help to connect people at a time when people are lost because of all that is going on in the world. You see one of the things that they may see is that they have lost something, they may believe that it’s their job, or it’s their house maybe even their wife or husband. Well yea, maybe they lost those things, but what I really believe is that along with those things they have lost themselves. They may no longer know who they are. They think that maybe they are this person that is out of work and has nothing to contribute. Or maybe they think that they are no longer the person they used to be because they will never be able to recover from all that was taken from them, so they will never get back to normal and that there is no hope.
Well I have to tell you that it’s true. They may not get back what they lost, but maybe they can get something better. They may not be the person that they once were, but they can be better. They may not love the way they once did, but their love can be stronger. How can I say this? Well it’s because I’ve been through it and I am still going through it. I have heard people say don’t ever tell everyone what you are going through because they will judge you and you will never make it as a speaker. Well you know what, I am going to commit speaker suicide! I am going to tell everybody what I’m going through right now, because I believe it will help people to see that you can lose everything and still be happy! That it can look like nothing is going right and you can still get things done! What you need to do is believe, believe in yourself, believe in what’s around you, and believe in what you are doing! My name is Edward Rodriguez and I am going to share my story now when it’s needed, not later when it all over with. In 68 days my dreams of the last 5 years to help people and my dreams for the last 2 years of holding the event Happiness in the Park will come true and I am going to share this story with who ever will read it.
Tomorrow I will start the story of how I came to lose all that I lost, where I am now, how I have been able to cope with it, stay focused on creating happiness and healing my heart. If you know of people that are going through bad times please pass this along to them so that we can grow together!
Smile and Wave, Eddy
Healing your heart, no matter what your loss. The healing process starts and ends with you. How you view what has happened and how you deal with it. I will be sharing my story and how I deal with everyday life, so that I can give hope to those who are struggling right now. This will be a 68 day story leading up to the event Happiness in the Park.
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