Smile and Wave

Smile and Wave
Starting a Happiness Movement one Smile at a Time!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What do you do when your in pain?

Yesterday I went to Va. because I was in so much pain. While I was at Va. I met a man that was getting ready to have brain surgery, I gave him one of my Smile and a Wave Day wrist bands and told him that when he needed a lift, to play with the wristband and to see the word smile and it would remind him that life is good and to smile. When I got home I got on facebook and asked for emergency laughter to help me deal with my pain! It’s funny how the universe hears what you ask for. I had some friends send me laughter and then today I receive this e-mail.
Evening Eddy Tom was very glad to meet you at the hospital and enjoyed the bracelet tremendously, he wanted me to inform you that he would be in the hospital April 14 for surgery and would very much enjoy your company. Sincerely yours Shawn (Toms care giver)
Life is very rewarding when you ask for what you need! I needed some happiness, I asked for it and look at how I was rewarded. When you need something in your life ask for it and help someone who needs the same thing, then allow what you asked for, to find its way to you.

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