Smile and Wave

Smile and Wave
Starting a Happiness Movement one Smile at a Time!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Helping someone to believe!

Yesterday I went to downtown Miami to see if I could help make a difference in the lives of people that were there to go to court. None of us like to go to court, unless we’re on the winning side of course, LOL. Needless to say I saw a lot of sad faces. I set up a stand and on that stand was a sign that said; “Ask Me Why”. Many people passed me by a puzzled look on their face, others pretended I wasn’t even there. But there were some that asked said; “OK, Why”

That’s all I was waiting for! To the people that stopped I said; “Because I get to meet amazing people like you that will take the time to ask a stranger, a simple question like why. Now I have the opportunity talk with you and share a few moments with someone I have never met and most important we get to share a smile!” Most stayed and talked, but there is one that I really would like to tell you about. He was in a hurry and didn’t stay very long. And as he rushed off he thanked me for helping him to smile and to be happy for just a moment.

About 5 minutes later he rides up on his bicycle a big smile on his face, he’s really excited, full of energy and he’s talking so fast I almost couldn’t understand him. This is what he said; I can’t believe it right after I talked to you, I was thinking that maybe I should see more of what’s good in life, not what’s wrong. Then my phone rang and it was my old boss! I got my Job back! Man was he happy! This is the power of the smile, this is the power of searching for the good in life. Thank you all for joining with me to bring the power of the smile to the world! I am very excited to be a part of this Happiness Movement and will do everything in my power share the power of the smile with the world. Please visit the Happiness Community on my website: hppt://

Monday, March 22, 2010

Out of Gas!

So I ran out of gas (yes dumb move) at a CVS. I have no idea how I’m going to get to the gas station. My wife was at home feeling sick, so she had her phone turned off. I started asking people for a ride to the gas station. Yea, right I’m in Miami! Two young girls in a Honda drive by and I wave my arms like a mad man, they stop and roll down the window. So I ask them if they can give me a ride, the driver tells me that she has her son in the back and that she’s sorry that she can’t help me. I thanked her and said maybe I’ll walk home, my wife is there and she’s not feeling well, so she’s not answering the phone. The driver asks me if I live close by and I told her that I live about 10 blocks away. To my surprise she offers to go to my house and tell my wife that I ran out of gas! Both girls looked nice and I felt I could trust them, so I gave them my phone number, so they could call me when they got close to the house and I could guild them in. They found the house, knocked on the door and told my wife what happened. I talked to my wife and she thanked them and came and got me. There are still a lot of nice people out there that are willing to help! The driver found a way to help me and keep her son safe. They asked me not to share their names, but I would like to thank them for being so kind!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The UCW Radio Show Features The Happiness Coach Eddy Rodriguez

The UCW Radio Show Features The Happiness Coach Eddy Rodriguez

This is my radio interview on UCW Radio with host Louis Velazquez! To the right of my article look up the name Eddy Rodriguez then click and play the interview. If you click anywhere else you will get another interview.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A time to heal. Can you Digg it.

Almost a year ago I found myself at a crossroad, although I seemed completely healed I knew that I needed some time.

Time to heal my heart from my daughter's death and time to heal my brain from my cerebral hemorrhage. When my daughter died I felt numb and to feel something I threw myself into my work thinking that it would get better if I kept myself busy and pretended to be ok. Well I was wrong. Then when I had my hemorrhage the doctors told my wife to call the family because I was going to die that night.

You know its funny how sometimes words that are so negative can turn out so positive. Those words are what gave me the strength to fight. How the hell could I die after what just happened with my daughter? What would happen to my family? I was not about to put my family through 2 deaths in a span of 4 months. My daughter was always on my mind but my focus now had to be healing myself so that I wouldn't cause my family any more pain than they already had. I could barely walk and my speech was just as bad, but somehow I had to appear strong and normal for my family.

It was a 2 and a half year struggle to act as if my brain was thinking properly, when in fact, it was a tangled mess. I pulled it off really well, everybody thought I was just fine, but the reality was that I had to fight for every thought. I finally reached a point where I couldn't hold it together any more. I would find myself crying when I would talk about my daughter and this is when I knew I had to pull back and heal. I had already been working on Smile and a Wave Day for a little while, but I knew that it could be bigger than just me running around getting people to sign a petition to get it put on the calendar.

So I pulled back to fix a broken me. To give myself the time I never took to heal my heart. As I held the intention to heal, I also held the intention to revamp myself into someone that would really make a difference in the world. I was tired of being the guy that had great intentions, but, didn't know what to do with them. Pulling back was the best thing I could have ever done. My heart still aches for my daughter but I am better able to channel it into something positive and as far as my intention to revamp myself into someone who will make a difference in the world I will let my website do the talking for me. Sometimes when you're in the middle of a battle you just need to pull back and heal in order to win, because if you don't and just continue the fight you get tired and give up. My motto is never give up, never surrender

Here is my new website address, please visit it; I would love to know what your feed back is, so be sure to let me know!

Download your free Happiness Contract when you visit the website!

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E-mail it to us and if we use it we will be sure to include you in our features story.

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